  • Mar2018 - Current
    Founding Engineer
    Expos Track & Trace

    Led the first startup in the country developing enterprise solutions to track and trace dangerous goods, achieving a market adoption rate of 60% upon launch. Architected a cloud-based archival system with single-digit second latency with React, React Native, Java, AWS Lambda, API Gateway, S3, and Athena.

  • Apr2021 - Mar2023
    Senior Systems Architect
    Institute of Public Health

    Led the development and deployment of an online learning management system, offering courses on COVID-19 response. Directed a diverse team of technical staff, medical experts, and a designer. Engineered a robust, scalable, and secure architecture, achieving 99.99% uptime, separating the monolithic architecture into database, caching, and backend microservices using openEDX, Django, MySQL, hosted on EC2 with Elastic Load Balancer.

  • Sep2020 - Apr2021
    Full Stack Developer

    Designed and built developer tools for setting up distributed systems with Hyperledger, using the Kubernetes Golang Client to manage multiple tenants per cluster, Istio for traffic routing and isolation, and Hashicorp Vault for secure cryptographic operations. Contributed to the Hyperledger Fabric Node SDK (PR#510) and Transit API of a HashiCorp Vault TypeScript client (PR#35).

  • Jul2016 - Sep2020
    Supply Chain Engineer
    Reden Distribution

    Orchestrated the launch of a second distribution center using analytical tools and network optimization techniques, enhancing service delivery to mining operations in challenging geographic and regulatory landscapes. Drove our most expensive product to a 95% market share through strategic partnerships and exceptional technical support.